Three artists-in-residence at the Narva Venice Embassy 2024

Three artists-in-residence at the Narva Venice Embassy 2024

One and a half kilometers from the Narva Art Residency is the Kulgu area, which is also called the Venice of Narva. In the summer of 2022, the Narva Art Residency started a project called “NARVA VENICE EMBASSY”. In 2024, is already celebrating its third season! In August, events will be held at the Embassy, where artists and local residents can get to know each other better and learn about various art projects.

The project includes a creative residency for three artists who will bring to life their amazing projects during the month of August. They live in the area of Kulgu at the territory of the former Kreenholm pump station which is the new home of the “Embassy”.

The artists-in-residence were selected by a jury of experts, including a Tallinn-based painter, the Head of the Painting Department, and an Associate Professor at EKA Kristi Kongi. An art teacher at the Narva Art School and an active artist, Irina Sopina. Project manager and an artist, representing the Narva Venice Embassy team, Daria Morozova, and Vladislav Simenok, representing the local community of Kulgu.

Mimi Dearing (Great Britain)

She is an artist and creative producer celebrated for her playful and participatory installations that uplift and engage local communities. Her project, “We open our arms to you,” will be a shadow sculpture that conveys a message of unity and belonging, fostering intercultural dialogue and transforming public spaces into vibrant, engaging environments.

August Honoré Rønne (Denmark)

August works with video, printmaking, and sculpture. His project, “Flag of a Time to Come,” involves a blockprinting workshop where the Kulgu community will create signal flags. This project aims to empower personal communication and reflect the DIY spirit of the garage community, transforming Kulgu into a sanctuary for independent creativity and social freedom.

Jila Svicevic

He is a Hungarian-Serbian interdisciplinary artist who is socio-ecologically engaged. Her project, “Captivated in Kulgu,” will feature glow-in-the-dark fishnets to highlight the community’s fishing heritage. This interactive installation invites locals to attach memories and objects, sparking reflections on the interconnectedness of culture and environment. 

We eagerly anticipate the innovative work of the artists in the Narva Venice area. Stay tuned for further updates and join in on creative activities.

The project is supported by the British Council’s P2P programme.