Exhibition “Variables”
Kadi Pajupuu, Marilyn Piirsalu
Drawings on beechwood, textiles
24 August-11 September 2022
Narva Art Residency, Joala 18
Open Mon-Fri 15-19, Fri 15-21, Sat-Fri 13-19
Narva Art Residency announced in mid-August that the gallery space will be free for one month. Several people have already responded to the invitation, but the fastest to arrive in Narva were textile artists and printmakers Kadi Pajupuu and Marilyn Piirsalu, who travelled there from Tartu.
They put together a new exhibition, “Variables”, featuring textile art, graphic art and works woven in a special technique called MultiWeave. These works fit the red-brick halls familiar to Kreenholm very well. Kadi Pajupuu’s drawings depict characters from the Old Testament on the brink of a decision. Marilyn Piirsalu exhibits three-dimensional textile structures.
Kadi Pajupuu is a textile artist and lecturer at the Pallas School of Higher Art. Marilyn Piirsalu is a graphic and textile artist, designer at Kadipuu OÜ. Both are members of the Estonian Artists’ Association and the Estonian Textile Artists’ Association. The authors have been collaborating since 2010. Their joint art projects have been shown at exhibitions in Sweden, Austria, England and Finland.