31 May – 16 June, 2019
NART – Narva Art Residency
Gallery spaces, 1st floor
Joala 18, 20103 Narva
Hours: W-F: 12.00-18.00; Sat.-Sn.: 12.00-20.00; M-T: Suletud
Event at Facebook
#NART #narvaartresidency #EKA #tase19
For the first time, the exhibition of the Estonian Academy of Arts graduates TASE enlarges to Narva Art Residency! On the 1st of June will be the opening of the satellite exhibition “Accessorie” (supervisors: Marta Moorats and Aleksander Jakovlev) and MA thesis presentations from the students of Art History and Visual Culture (supervisor: Andres Kurg) as well as Urban Studies (supervisor: Maroš Krivy) departments.
NART – Narva art residency (Joala 18, Narva)
Programme 1.06:
10:30 bus leaves from Tallinn near EKA (Põhja pst 7). To register write to: ann.vaikla@artun.ee
13:30 arrival at Narva (Joala 18)
14:00 opening of the exhibition
15:00-17:30 students presentations
18:00 leaving to Tallinn
21:00 arrival at Tallinn (Põhja pst 7)
Participating artists of the “Accessorie” exhibition:
Anni Kivisto, Erle Nemvalts , Johanna Tamm, Kaisa Krusenberg, Oliver Kanniste, Anna-Liisa Hanni, Terje Meisterson, Ketlin Kuusing, Greete Rüütmann, Henri Kaarel Luht, Mart Vaarpuu, Aleksandra Kazanina, Andres Mäekallas, Rünno Kulver, Katrin Aasmaa, Kerttu Rannik, Anna Roomet, Siim Simmermann, Cathy Saarm, Maarika Karm, Kristiina Jeromans, Cärol Ott, Triin Tint, Vitali Valtanen, Anna Viik Archanjo
Presentations 15:00-17:30:
1. Art History and Visual Culture department:
– Michael Keerdo-Dawson, “Being (,) Undone: The Romanian New Wave and the Limits of Epistemic Violence“
– Hazuki Okemoto, “The Neurodivergent Person’s Inside Out”
– John David Antoni Winslow, “I want to be the machine in your hand: Seven theses on the smartphone.“
– Monireh Sadat Razavi Ganji, “Blackest of the Black Boxes: A Study on Copyright Issues Related to Dariush Mahrjui’s Pari”
2. Urban Studies department:
– Sean Tyler, “Alternative Ecologies: Designing the Green City?”
– Oskar Brohager Öhrling, “Territoriralizing the Digital Society: The Case of Ülemiste City, Tallinn”
– Anastassija Malkova, “Border Zones and Their Disappearance in Tallinn, Berlin and Jerusalem”