Introduction to beginners: how to do a watercolour portrait.
September 12, 2018
Hours: 12:00 – 14:00
Let’s deconstruct portrait painting to basics. Dots, lines and spots. Then let’s check materials: colours, paper, brushes and mix it together. We will discuss how to control a movement of water and pigment. How to render light and shadows. How to work with watercolour layers and where is a difference between hue and value.
Andrei Kedrin is a visual artist and art instructor from Tallinn. He was born in St. Petersburg and keeps a connection between the two cities. He graduated graphic design department at the Estonian Academy of Arts. he is mostly focused on illustration and portrait painting. His favourite medium is watercolors. He has collaborated with partners such as: Müürileht, Plug, Akadeemia, Värske Rõhk, Jazzkaar, Seksound, Akzent and Koolibri. He is organizing a drawing event Wednesday Sketching.
The workshop is free!
If possible, please take with you a big and small brush and watercolours; the rest of the materials will be provided by the residency (paper, cups, pallete etc).
To register, please write: ann.vaikla@artun.ee
The event is supported by EV100 art programme.