23.06.2024 14:00

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Tour with Britta Benno at the exhibition “Side Effect”

Tour with Britta Benno at the exhibition “Side Effect”

Meeting point: old Kreenholm Gates (opposite Joala 32)
Free of charge

Artists: August Joost, Maria Kallau, Laura Lillepuu, Triin Mänd, Elise Marie Olesk, Sandra Puusepp, Mia Mai Seppel, Hanna Vinter

Tutor: Britta Benno

In the exhibition, the artworks are made in the residency in Narva as part of the elective subject “Contemporary Drawing: Worlding inLayers” of the fine arts students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. The spirit of time and place is decisively important when making on-site drawings. The works are born from layers of spatial perception, material and its traces, concepts and shapes.