Station Narva – the music and city culture festival is the surprising diamond of Narva city. For a second year Narva Art Residency hosts part of the arts programme
FRIDAY, 20 September / 19:00 – 20:30
MULTIKULTIKI I, LIGHT MY FIRE – the programme of animated shorts
“Multikuliki I, Light My Fire” presents animated shorts produced in the animation department of the Estonian Academy of Arts from 2007 to 2017. The screening will be preceded by an introduction by programmer Priit Tender in Estonian and Russian.
Free entry.
Programme 20.09:
Väike maja (2008), dir. Kristjan Holm (06’15”)
Not About Us (2011), dir. Michael Frei (03’37”)
Song of Songs (2011), dir. Urte Budinaite (04’02”)
Eine murul (2011), dir. Erik Alunurm, Mihkel Reha, Mari-Liis Rebane, Mari Pakkas (04’30”)
International Father’s Day (2012), dir. Edmunds Jansons (05’00”)
Kärbeste veski (2012), dir. Anu-Laura Tuttelberg (07’18”)
Tšikid teel (2012), dir. Helen Unt (05’03”)
Mul Shündis Laudhas Važikas (2012), dir. Peeter Ritso (01’55”)
Black Seed (2014), dir. Francesco Rosso (06’42’’)
Penelope (2016), dir. Heta Jäälinoja (04’08”)
A Table Game (2017), dir. Nicolás Petelski Mesón (03’53”)
Velodrool (2015), dir. Sander Joon (06’12”)
SATURDAY, 21 September
/ 14:00 – 15:30
Laura Jantunen, the artist-in-residency of Narva Vaba Lava Theatre Centre will be leading a movement workshop senses: hearing, touch, sound and motion (kinesthesia). She will guide you on how to build your hours around the senses. The movement would be a student’s own interpretation of the assignments she gives. All exercises are quite simple and do not include choreography or dance steps.
Participation in the workshop is free.
The event is supported by the Finnish Institute in Estonia.
/ 18:00 – 18:45
Former residents of the Narva Art Residency, Riin-Kärt Ranne and Juliane Schwarz, present a newly completed site-specific study “Narva – The Emotive Masterplan”. The manifesto takes the form of photomontages of sensitive spatial interventions in Narva’s sceneries, which speak about the city’s future prospects and highlight Narva’s uniqueness. Presentation in English with Russian translation.
Free entry.
MULTIKULTIKI II, SWEET SWEAT – the programme of animated shorts
/ 19:00 – 20:30
“Multikuliki I & II” presents animated shorts produced in the animation department of the Estonian Academy of Arts from 2007 to 2017.
Programme 21.09:
Les Nuits Magiques (2015), dir. Mihkel Reha (07’4”’)
Muteum (2017), dir. Äggie Pak Yee Lee (04’10”)
Ükskord igavuse väljadel (2017), dir. Teele Strauss (05’20”)
5th Round (2017), dir. Leander Meresaar (05’05”)
Luul (2017), dir. Mari-Leen Üksküla-Eomois (04’00”)
300 g/m2 (2018), dir. Kamila Kučíková (05’33”)
Pura Vida (2018), dir. Nata Metlukh (09’35”)
Toiduahel (2018), dir Mari Kivi, Liis Kokk (08’30”)
In Between the Walls of Perception (2018), dir. Pablo Martínez Ballarín (03’50”)
Sweet Sweat (2018), dir. Jung Hyun Kim (06’13”)
Oh Say Can You See? (2019) dir. Noam Sussman (01’58”)
More information: https://stationnarva.ee/en/