13.07.2024 16:00

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Opening of two exhibitions – Jordan Vinyard’s “CRTL + ALT + REPEAT” and group exhibition “Compost of Joy“

Opening of two exhibitions – Jordan Vinyard’s “CRTL + ALT + REPEAT” and group exhibition “Compost of Joy“

The opening event will be in Narva Art REsidency on 13th of July at 16:00.

Group exhibition “Compost of Joy”
Aasa Ruukel, Karolina Peterson, Marc Léger Sauvageot, Pavel Dodatko, Valerija Oja, Lisette Lepik

Often, depicting happiness or joy in art can come across as crude, tasteless, overly decorative, superficial… or KITSCH. Kitsch is an imitation of art aimed at mass-market appeal. But is that really the case? Should it be? Could we instead embrace kitsch, drawing inspiration from its aesthetics without shame, embracing clichés? Or should we strive to convey our joy subtly and with nuance, tastefully and elegantly? Is it even sensible to dismiss clichés? Can the aesthetics of kitsch be used as a serious art form capable of conveying the complexity of human nature?

Jordan Vinyard’s “CRTL + ALT + REPEAT”

CTRL + ALT+ REPEAT consists of large-scale multi-media sculptures. Central to the exhibition is an installation called Me, Mulle, MHe, a reflection of the linguistics in the region. Jordan Vinyard’s kinetic sculptures, installations, and performances satirize the alchemizing effects of technology. She studied at the University of Florida and her work has traveled to Dubai and South Korea as well as to Art Basel. Currently, she is The Dean of Visual and Performing Arts, Professor of Art at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, USA.
