Meeting point: Joala 23c
Friday, 20.30
SATURDAY / 07.05
For free: 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00
With TMW pass or TMW Station Narva Stage ticket: 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
SUNDAY / 08.05
For free: 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00
The sound installation by NART’s resident Jaakko Autio is made in collaboration with local Narva choirs and a Finnish choir. In this piece the observer can walk inside a flock of 40 speakers, able to listen to individual singers’ voices separately and experience them breathing and communicating, or you can listen to the choir as a whole. The soundscape is inspired by Pacius’ melody that is the national anthem for both Estonia and Finland, rising questions of identity, nationality and interpersonal space.
The audience is guided to the installation from the gates of Kreenholm, on Saturday, the audience of Station Narva stage can access it directly from the concert.
The installation is opened for the first time at TMW, later it will travel to NART, Kogo gallery in Tartu and Porvoo Art Factory in Finland
More about Jaakko Autio here
Narva music school girls choir (EE)
Narva Estonian language house Tandem choir (EE)
Narva museum folk ensemble “Suprjadki” (EE)
Nomad’s Choir (FI)