Calendar of events in June 2024

Calendar of events in June 2024
2.06. Sunday
13:00-19:00 ARTISTS’ DAY at the Kreenholm manufactory
16:00-21:00 KRENYCH SUNDAY – Kreenholm community garden party (next to Joala 18)

14.06. Friday
17:00 Opening of the installation by Pavel Rotts “Climbing a memory. The matter of touch” at the Narva Castle Park

15.06. Saturday
12:00 Space Nursing tour and lichen picking with Lithuanian architect Augustas Lapinskas
14:00 Linna Siib’s artist tour at the exhibition “Atlas of Amphibian-ness”
15:00 Art tour in Kreenholm – EKA students’ exhibition “Side effect”, Tanja Muravskaja’s “The Vernacular”, installation by Elo Liiv, and more

16.06. Sunday
12:00 Space Nursing workshop – creating bio-paint object with architect Augustas Lapinskas
14:00 Model painting session with the Vestervalli artists association. (to register, text 55610939)
17:00 Camera Obscura – discover the world of the darkroom with Kristiin Hanimägi and Joel Freeman

9.06, 15.06, 22.06 and 29.06 at 11:00
Ukrainian artist Masha Pryven’s workshops for youth – “Your dream passport”

Liina Siibi’s “Atlas of Amphibian-ness”
Kaisu Koivisto “Passages”

Thu-Fri 15:00-19:00, Sat-Sun 13:00-19:00