Marijonas Verbel | Venice (Lithuania)
10.08 – 22.08.2023
// BIO
Marijonas is a Lithuanian artist with a special focus in textile arts, crafts and art education. They are inspired by the concept of weaving, routines and synesthesia.
In their practice, they seek to use found objects and recycle materials to the utmost. With this practice, they emphasize not only the final result but also the process and the story of the creation process. Their creative activity and workshops revolve around threads and the idea of playing while creating.
During their residency, they will conduct two weaving workshops and invite the local community to explore the themes of unordinary and site-responsive weaving together with them. One is about weaving without a loom and the second one is about basket weaving. The inspiration for the workshops came when the artist arrived at the residency without their loom. Living in a small container surrounded by wild grass, questions arose “How to weave with the smallest amount of supplies? How to get inspired by the environment around me?”
The first workshop about weaving without a loom focuses on rethinking the use of everyday objects. One can find a frame to weave in by flipping, turning an object which then gains a new purpose for use.
The second workshop, about weaving baskets, is inspired by the weeds around the living area. The goal is to create a basket using the materials around – weeds and branches.
Learn more about the project here:
The project is supported by the British Council.
Marijonas Verbel’s link